BLOCKS Registry can be used by corporations to streamline and track the lifecycle of identity, data, tracking and management systems. Ranging from land, title, real estate, fractionalized real estate, hospitality, data management, medical records, insurance, supply chain and more.

Identity Management

Corporations can pair digital wallets and verifiable credentials with the BLOCKS Registry, in order to better manage their record keeping around building entry and exit, human resources and access points, ranging from contractors, employees and clearance levels.


Similar to real estate, land and title have varying levels of ownership, recording, search, cataloging and transfer in 197 countries around the world. The UN 2030 Agenda specifically lists land and title as key areas of economic advancement that is needed to improve ownership rights, equity and inbound investment in real estate.

The BLOCKS Registry provides an immutable, tamper proof way of establishing land and title records in any country around the world and can be architected to work seamlessly with customer search and government systems to give buyers and sellers the confidence of peer transactions.


One of the largest impediments to inbound capital flows from developed markets, into the emerging markets, is the ability to prove land, title, ownership and use of funds. With the BLOCKS Registry, single or fractionalized investments can be better scoped, authenticated and documented to give investors, buyers and sellers an immutable ledger, and smart contracts, with which to record and verify their transaction history and management agreements for the lifecycle of a property.


The BLOCKS Registry, paired with verifiable credentials and wallets, can be used to deliver tracking of drug trials, medical records and data management in ways that empower customers and providers with greater levels of optional privacy, transparency, streamlined access and inter-department tracking.


The BLOCKS Registry, paired with verifiable credentials and wallets, can be used to deliver tracking of drug trials, medical records and data management in ways that empower customers and providers with greater levels of optional privacy, transparency, streamlined access and inter-department tracking.


Few topics in the global news have been as prominent as the supply chain. With major online marketplaces fraught with fake products, ratings and reviews, the importance of tracking items on BLOCKS Registry from factory-to-floor, or farm-to-table, has never been more important for certification, cost tracking and on-time efficiency to consumers, corporations or governments.